Greetings MKP Brothers…
We need your support at 3 separate events over 3 days! Please JOIN US!
Friday, Sept 15th from 8-9:30 PM, we will be holding a Drumming Circle on the corner of Cedar Springs Rd. and Throckmorton Street. We would love for you to join us! Anyone that stops to chat with us we can talk to about MKP. If you would like to support us, please contact Maddox at (214) 244-4806 or
Saturday, Sept 16th from 11 AM to 7 PM is the Pride Festival in Riverchon Park. We need men to man the booth in shifts. If you would like to support us, please contact Kevin Prentice at (214) 566-6409 or
Sunday, September 17th, from 2-5 PM is the Dallas LGBTQ Pride Parade on Cedar Springs Rd. We need men to march in the parade with our GBTQ Circle of Men IGroup. If you would like to support us, please contact David Hoover at (214) 505-5600 or
We thank you in advance and we look forward to sharing the fun and brotherhood with you!
Maddox, Kevin Prentice, David Hoover, Michael Bailey, and the other Warrior Brothers in our Circle